When Brie's Etsy store went kaput (it's likley she is not especially grateful for severe glitches right now) I immediately contacted her and asked if I could run a guest post.
The problem is, I hadn't the foggiest idea of what to write about which would be of any interest to her readers (thats you!). For my blog, backcount
Surely though, since Brie and I have been friends for the better part of a decade we must have some common ground other than our equal love of sushi dinners and vino.
So while I am grateful for friends like Brie (as well as things like sushi and wine), what I am perhaps most grateful for is what unites us in common cause. We both have passion. When I head up into the mountains to visit Fall Creek Fiber's headquarters (which is coincidentally near one of my favorite trailheads) I am reminded of the shared drive we have to involve ourselves in the things we love, be it knitting by the fire at home, or swapping stories by the fire in the wind swept high sierra.
In the past year its that drive that's kept me constantly moving, photographing, writing, and sharing my passion with the world. Today I am grateful for that passion.
Brie here! This is where I tell you how grateful I am for talented friends like Chris who takes time out of his busy schedule to help me keep you entertained. This is also where you should all demand that Chris starts selling his photographs... Because they are incredible. All photos in this post are copyright backcountrybliss.net.
An appreciation of nature is a non-gender universal trait that speaks to us all...personally I love the cream soda smell of Jeffrey Pines and the warm scent of pine needles as the wind rustles through the Sierras. The mountains are my favorite place to be. Chris, your photos are wonderful; you have real talent. Keep 'em coming! Do you have a picture of a Sierra snow flower? Saw one once as a little girl...:)
I doubly demand that Chris sell photos on Etsy!! That's a great rugged mountain man photo; it should be front and center on Back Country Bliss. :)
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