In no particular order...
Meegan, thank you for everything. For taking samples and business cards to friends and knitting groups. For your amazing pod casts with FCF plugs, for your great taste in color and tea, for spinning sweater quantities of FCF fiber. You are in inspiration and one of my favorite friends. I'm so glad we've 'met'. One of these days I'll be coming to visit you.
Emily S., talk about support! You are always there to lend a helping hand or word of wisdom and encouragement. And for that I thank you! So much. Oh and thank you for kicking my butt about the phat fiber box.
Yolanda, my dear tea fiend from Spain... Thank you for every kind word, email, and sweet thought that passes through my inbox from you. I can't believe how nice you are! And every time I get a note from you I am reminded of why I do this. Because I get to 'meet' people like you.
Pam, you crack me up. Thank you for that.
Erin, you are amazing. You have an amazing sense of what roving wants to be. Every time I see a project or a spin of yours I think to myself 'Wow, I never would have known that that roving wanted to realize its dreams of becoming a hat'. And you have the most crazy eye for color. Brown blends are my new favorite thanks to you. I appreciate ALL of your support, right from the very beginning. Oh and every time you say 'you're killing me!' or 'dies' or 'drool' you make me laugh out loud.
LizzieMac, thank you thank you thank you.
Lacey, Natalie, Carrie, thank you for changing my life. Each one of you has touched me profoundly in some way and I can't thank you enough.
Sosae, you're amazing. I'm so glad we've gotten to know each other.
Maggie, I love getting orders from you. You're so so sweet and your messages always make me smile. Thanks for being there from the beginning, your support is appreciated!
Emily C., we have a relatively new relationship, although we were swap partners way back in the day... And you rock. You're so encouraging and kind and I feel like if we lived within any reasonable amount of distance we would be good friends. Your heart is so big.
Chantel, you're incredible. You're so supportive and kind and another one of those people with a heart 1200 sizes too big. We've had some lovely conversations of life and fiber and I'm so appreciative of everything you've done for me. Your words of encouragement touch me more than you know.
Melanie, Sara, Sharon, Kate, Jenn, and Beth, I couldn't do this without you. And I wouldn't want to.
Wanda-ful, my confidante, co-mod, and dear sweet friend. Your enthusiasm for life and business is catching and you make my business better, just by being involved. I appreciate you sooooo much.
Ally, my real life best friend, you are invaluable. Priceless. And gorgeous to boot.
Chris, my other real life friend of a decade, thanks for the afternoons spent talking about analytics, blogging, photography, and life. You are an inspiration.
My family who has shown nothing but love and support for this crazy venture of mine... I couldn't do this without you. And mom, thank you for the groceries when months are slow.
To my lobster, my partner in all things. Thank you for feigning excitement at new fiber blends, for staying up late to talk through business stuff, for supporting me in ways I didn't know I needed. There are no words.
And to everyone else (and those that I have forgotten to mention specifically here, I know there are a few that will pop into my head later) who has shown support through purchases, a kind word, detailed feedback, or just plain being there for me, I love you too. LOVE.
And happy holidays to everyone!
how lovely are you! :) xoxo
<3 xoxo
you are yourself- lovely, delightful and inspiring. Even though we arent friends (hint hint), you make me smile and let me know, I am not alone in this beautiful world and that it is okay to be a little....different. So, Thank YOU. You rock.
Earthybaby <3
I still giggle every time you say 'Wanda-ful!' You are so sweet and I am so blessed to be your friend! :) *hugs*
Thanks so much for your words!
What can I say about my 'tea friend' Brie :) I admit I'm a tea addict (even more than before) since I discovered your teas on etsy.
They are so lovely and delicious as you are! Your blog is delightful, don't understand why do you say it is not good!
xoxo from Spain
p.s. I wonder when I would be brave enough to start knitting, I really need to learn and try your fibers.
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