Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Day in the Life...

October 8th...
Some day soon I'd like to do a week in the life, but I thought I'd start with a small story and do a day in the life of self-employed Brie. Everyone has a story, and I think it's important to document the little things. Most days I write it out in my paper journal, but I thought it'd be fun to photograph and later scrap this project. So here it is!

Woke up at 11:31a, yikes! Let the pooches out, made some tea...

Had my first cup of ginger peach green tea while checking work e-mails and reading daily blogs. I read quite a few from inspirational lovelies, and work is slow today.

Chester helps with the work e-mails and blog reading... he's so cute! He sits in my lap and tinkles my chin with his tail.


Listen to this while I make the bed (with Marv's help) and clean up the bedroom a bit:

Marvin is happy now.

I like how different my bedroom feels from my living room:

I do the dishes while I wait for my next pot of tea to boil and steep.

Breakfast and tea while I work:

Get the turtle ready to go to his new home! Our tank is getting too small and an online friend has a nice big set up minus a fish or turtle. So he's going to live with her.

Drop off turtle with Gaile at 2:00p, he doesn't travel well.

Stop at the grocery store and pick up a pretty plant and some fall decor...
A pretty succulant called Tiger's Jaws (appropriate!).
The living room is super quiet without the turtle tank filter. Take apart turtle tank and begin re-organizing art table: Dawn and Brad dropped off Pandi and Martini whom are visiting for a week while their parents go to Cancun (sort of dreaded having them back, but sort of excited, too). I make lunch and Sean comes home and surprises me with a present! A small TV with DVD player for our bedroom! Now I can watch movies to fall asleep by.

Went to the hardware store to pick up some paint for the bathroom... It's very bright.
Painted a quick first coat. Made taco casserole for Sean because he had a 12 hour day...

Connected after dinner.

Did a few chores... and crashed around midnight!

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