So when the lobster (bless his beautiful soul) is home for most of the week with a stomach bug, I want to blow his brains out. Or mine. Maybe both.
Today I've been struggling with getting things done and it's partly because the house has become shelter to a viral incubus. I'm ready for it to purge away.
So I've banned my honey (who is feeling a bit better and shall be off to work tomorrow) to his man cave (also known as the loft) in a very nice way with his manly Netflix and his manly peppermint tea. And I'm zenning out with Lisa Hannigan in my headphones, a yummy petite sirah in my favorite wine glass, and catching up on my peace. My etsy shop policies are getting a revamp, I'm finishing up a gorgeous handspun (oh how I love spinning BFL!), I'm working on Christmas lists, and the fire is keeping me warm on this dreary and glorious night.
I like solitude. I need solitude to get things done. I'm blessed to be able to spend my days creating and dreaming and exploring myself... Alone. I love my honey and wouldn't have anyone else, ever, and I miss him when he's not around. But I still like my solitude. I'm lucky he's understanding of that.
In other news, my Twitter account was hacked today, so don't open any DM's from me! Apologies to whoever got one. I also bought new shampoo and conditioner (mandarin and olive oil... YUM) that I'm excited to use during my shower tonight (it's the little things in life, no?) and I can't wait to cast on some stripey fingerless gloves in this amazing yarn I treated myself to. In fact, I think I'll do that now. Stay tuned for pictures of the new handspun!
Also, how do we all feel about a giveaway? Anyone need a skein of handspun yarn to celebrate NaBloPoMo? If this comment section gets enough interest I'll definitely launch a giveaway after midterms next week as a 'thanks for your support and follows'. Let me know you're reading! :)
yes yes i am still here, :) :) reading this post i was, yep that is me too,, when ''the other'' leaves each morning for work its, yippppeeeee..ALONE ..i am always here reading
xx Carole
uhm, yes. you should definitely do a giveaway!
*you should give yummy yarn to meeee!*
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