Saturday, November 14, 2009

Shame on me...

I missed two days of NaBloPoMo! Don't you fret, though... I'll make it up to you today.

So I always like to read artist features (in the storque, especially, because I really enjoy reading about how other people do the etsy thing) and the question of 'walk me through your creative day' is always my favorite question. It gives me an idea of the creative processes of others and the rhythm in which they make it all happen. So today, in light of not updating for three days, I thought I'd take you through my day one piece at a time (meaning morning, afternoon, evening). I'll try to make it interesting and detailed and photographic. I've come up with a rather nice rhythm for getting things (all things) done. The shift from fully employed to part time artist/full time student was a transition I've fallen in love with (minus the occasional money worry) and I like to embrace the freedom in a small way every day. I like to allow myself space to do things that may not be exactly what one would expect, but just as valid.

Without further ado, mornings in the lobster tank (btw, this nickname for our little mountain home comes from the Friends episode where Pheobe calls Ross and Rachel lobsters... Which in turn became Sean's nickname and as mine is the urchiness... well, you get the idea.).

Mornings are slow around these parts, I'm not a morning person. Add that to the fact that we don't have a heater and that makes for lazy mornings spent in the cocoon of jersey sheets and kitty cuddles. I usually wake up around 8:30 and doze for half an hour before getting up the nerve to leave my nice warm bed and bundle in many layers to spend another half an hour building a fire to warm up my work space.

Once the fire is going and the kettle is on, I open up my computer to do my morning blog reads, blog posts, e-mails, etsy sales, etc. I spend about an hour and a half with a cup of tea (or two) and some inspiration. Then, if I have any product photos to take care of (none today because I'm a bit behind on my spinning) I do them in the foggy morning light. Around 11:00a, I sit down with breakfast and a notebook to plan out the days goals and start the work day. This is where I brainstorm, make lists, and set up my day. I often try to get in a chapter of whatever book I am reading or to do a study guide as well.

I do chores next (dishes, make the bed, sweep the floor) and then pack up any sales and take a walk down to the mailbox to get them on their way. Then I begin some spinning, knitting, or dyeing, depending on what ended up on that goals list. Before you know it, it's 1:00p and time to start my afternoon routine. I'll be back later for that one. :)

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