Monday, December 14, 2009


... I got three new fish (because Geoffrey the super secret agent ninja killed one of my tetras).
... Listening to The Kooks on repeat.
... Home made french bread pizza for dinner (olives, mushrooms, goat cheese, sliced tomatoes).
... I twisted my ankle and proceeded to awkwardly fall down my driveway (arms full of groceries and a bag of heavy cat litter) and scraped my knees and hurt my wrist. Remembered what it felt like to be eight years old.
... I'm reading The Time Traveler's Wife.
... The woman in line ahead of me at New Leaf (tall, gorgeous, great jacket, hand knit hat, long gray hair) spoke with affection about her 24 year old daughter to the equally gorgeous and wise checker. "When they're in their 20's they realize it's not all about being in their body. They're less fumbling and more soulful." Her total was $156.76 and she sighed gently while sliding her debit card, as if to say "There are more important things than these meaningless motions... Like the inter connectivity of mind and body." She went on with her fabulous life.
... Candles that smell like winter and apples and pine.
... Every time the wind blows our house is bombarded by very large (very wet) rain drops that were previously clinging with hope to towering pine boughs. As if they could be something bigger if only they could just hang on.
... Finished a Christmas present despite the aforementioned hurt wrist.
... I ordered my wheel!
... Sean has a cold and a grumpy disposition and neither of those two things have stopped him from being 150% supportive of me and my whimsical ways.
... I've stayed up past my bed time.


Anonymous said...

i like that you get 3 for 1 = fish :)
hope your ''bits'' get better soon
no stopping you when you get that wheel
xx Carole

Wanda said...

I recently fell too, and my knees are scraped and there is a big honkin' bruise on my right leg! It really took me back to childhood!

And you ordered a wheel!! YAY! Ashford Traddy?