Monday, November 30, 2009

Round up.

First things, first. New yarn in the shop! There's a sale going on over there today and I'm only three sales away from my goal for the year! This week is a dye week, so stay tuned for a fibery goodness update later on this week.

On to the rest...

Hey guys! So sorry about the unexplained absence (were you all on the edge of your seats?)... These past few days have gotten away from me.

Thanksgiving was spent in quiet fashion, with movies, pj's, and spaghetti with meatless balls. The lobster had to get up really really early for Black Friday (he had to be at work at 3:00am for all of the crazies camped out in front of the store) so we took it easy on T Day.

Friday was spent with respective families, which was really nice. We missed my sister (who stayed down south to spend Thanksgiving with her honey) but we worked on a puzzle and ate turkey (well, they did) and watched some Friends. It was a nice day.

Saturday... Oh, Saturday. Windy, tumultuous, uncomfortable Saturday. Saturday we were supposed to have 'Friendsgiving' but when our power went out around 2:30p and my stomach decided to protest the left over stuffing I ate for breakfast (probably laced with pig, right Mom?) we called it off. I napped and vomited (TMI?), then Sean came home from a normal day at work and since the power was still out we went get some yummy and stomach settling veggie Pho and headed to the bookstore to peruse the used book section. When we got home the power was still out, so the lobster headed out for a night at the pool hall and I settled in on the couch with my newly purchased book, every candle lit and a battery powered book light. I was so comfortable and content with a full belly and a new book I didn't even get up to take pictures of my cozy candle lit nook. I stayed there in the dark with a cup of tea or two and "Life of Pi" until I finished it at 2:30a. I read the damn thing in one sitting it was so good. I'd recommend it to anyone with a power outage. Or 6 hours of free time.

The power came on again at 8:00am yesterday after a night of ferocious winds in which we lost our bathroom window and a very large branch (we lost this branch WAY too close to my parked car, btw) and I got very little sleep.

Yesterday was a spin day, I worked on a few yarns that will be finished today, hopefully. We went to bed early and enjoyed a movie at home.

And here we are! I hope your weekend was magical... Stay tuned for some knitted finished object goodness.

Oh, and today marks the last day of National Blog Posting Month, which I failed. But that's okay with me.

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