Monday, September 20, 2010

Where we live: The Occupants Part Three (of Three)

Meet the canines.

Mops is 11.6 pounds of reservation.  When you meet him for the first time he'll let out an old man grumble and give you a look of disdain, but I promise within 5 minutes of you being here he'll be up in your lap and licking your hand.  He's a little dog with a huge personality and when people meet him they always say 'I'm not usually a fan of little dog, but Mops...' and I nod with a knowing smile.  Mops was a rescue from my days of the Emergency Animal Clinic and he was a good one.  When he was found wandering on a busy street by a caring couple and brought into the clinic, he looked like a mop and had a very badly damaged eye.  A few surgeries  and haircuts later, here we are.  He came into my life on Valentine's Day in 2006, so we always celebrate his birthday with a double breakfast that day.

Mops likes 7:00am, the breakfast guy (Sean, to you and me), sitting quietly next to you, and going for car rides.  He'd also love it if you would drop some bacon on the floor every now and again.

Huckleberry is 45 pounds of unrestrained goofiness.  When you meet him for the first time he will probably jump on you and try to knock you over with glee.  He bounds and leaps like a champ and has a cute habit of doing circles when he's excited.  He's a pretty pup, but sensitive and doesn't like to be yelled at (which happens quite often) or reprimanded, yet challenges your authority whenever he has the chance.  If you're not paying one hundred percent attention to him, he'll eat your shoes.

Huck likes hugs and kisses, the beach, rolling around in dead things, and when you sit on the floor.  He dislikes water, vegetables, and his new $70.00 bed.

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