Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Grateful Project: Day Eleven

Today I am grateful for my mom.

I was curled up on the couch yesterday with a kids movie (Ratatouille) and my favorite quilt (left picture) yesterday thinking about my family and how much I'm glad they're mine.  Especially my mom.  She's good.

She passed on her amazing color sense.
She's a silent cheerleader, always willing to lend an ear and a hand when you're down.
She always encouraged us to be ourselves.
She makes the best soups.
She's always a phone call away, whether it be because you need to tell someone really good news or because you have a cold and need Mom's recipe for 'get well soon'.
Her home is the most inviting and warm home you've ever been in.
She's incredibly talented in all kinds of ways.

She's blushing as she reads this.

I'm happy to call her my mom.

1 comment:

inoxiaknits said...

Your mother sounds amazing. I know that I am very grateful for my amazing mother too!
